Esf skischool
The Esf skischool Montalbert is located in the heart of Plagne Montalbert in 'Maison de Montalbert '. Within a 3 minute walk (or ski) from your Chalet.
You can book your lessons directly with me (Marieke), online or on the day of your arrival at the Esf skischool office. The office is daily open till 18.00 Hrs.
For all information: www.esf-montalbert.com
How To Book Your Ski Lessons?
To book direct with Esf Skischool Clic here
To book with me (guests only) send me an e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Esf skischool offers different courses also for the more advanced skiers. There is a special weekly Off Piste program and the skischool offers ambitious programs for afvanced kids, above 8 years old. English speaking teachers. Ask us for advice.
Esf Skiclub kids (advanced) clic here
There is childcare for the little kids 18 months - 6 years at Garderie Les bambins.
Can be booked directly with Marieke
Skilessons for 3 and 4 year olds:
Kids at the age of 3 or 4 year can ski with The Club Piou Piou in Montalbert. They will play inside and outside ski during 1,5 hrs in the morning or afternoon. After skiing they get a nice hot chocolate.
Can be booked directly with Marieke